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Proven track record

Our in-depth technology expertise and robust litigation support know-how have contributed to numerous patent litigation success stories.

For example:

Expert’s analysis was instrumental in reaching a $35 million settlement for fortune 100 supply chain management software company against multi-national computer technology corporation in a Sales Force / Supply chain patent litigation.

Expert’s testimony in an ecommerce patent suit in South Africa resulted in the judge siding with (and cited) the expert on all 36 points of contention in the case.

Expert’s analysis and testimony in support of plaintiffs in two patent litigation cases involving multi-national technology and social media firms resulted in jury awards of $388 million in one case, and $6.6 million in the other, along with findings of willfulness in both instances.

Expert’s testimony has been cited and affirmed by the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in several cases involving multi-national providers of computer systems hardware & software, telecommunications, Security and Anti-virus products and services.

Expert’s trial testimony was instrumental in achieving an $18 million jury verdict for his client in a patent infringement suit in support of the plaintiff against a financial services company involving prepaid gift card technology.

Expert’s testimony in two multi-media distribution patent infringement cases involving a multinational media corporation and consumer electronics manufacturers successfully persuaded juries to find in favor of his clients, resulting in awards of over $100 million in one case, and over $50 million in the other.

"The 830 Group will translate facts and opinions into a winning story.
Hire us before your opponents do!"